Excel Level 3 (Advanced)

Course Description

Students will learn various advanced techniques for analysing and manipulating data in Excel.

Course Content

Lesson 1: Advanaced functions and formulas
Logical functions, Conditional functions, Financial functions, Text functions, Date functions
Array formulas

Lesson 2:Lookups and data tables
Using VLookup and HLookup functions
Creating data tables

Lesson 3: Advanced data management
Validating cell entries
Advanced filtering

Lesson 4:Advanced charting
Chart formatting options
Combination charts
Graphic elements

Lesson 5: PivotTables and PivotCharts
Working with PivotTables
Rearranging and Formatting PivotTables
Using PivotCharts

Lesson 6: Exporting and importing
Exporting and importing text files
Getting external data

Lesson 7: Analytical tools
Goal Seek and Solver

Lesson 8:Macros
Running and recording a macro
Working with VBA code

pdf Printable course details


Excel Level 2

or equivalent knowledge.

Course Duration

7.5 hours

Study Methods Available

Individual Tuition

Group Training

Distance Learning


Distance Learning price
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For other prices, please contact us.

Follow-on Courses

Excel VGA Programming


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